“The most memorable thing about YYGS was the Capstone Project, where my groupmates and I worked on the impacts of the Yemeni Revolution. This was the first time that I spent two weeks with students from different backgrounds and performed interdisciplinary research. If it was not for this project, I would not have dug deeply into the causes and influences of the Yemini Revolution and study the history and culture of a foreign country. “
I have been working on my “Prevention for AIS” project, where I deliver free speeches and professional physical examinations to students ages 13 to 16 in order to raise the awareness of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and to provide the most optimal treatment to the patients.
After YYGS, I decided to enlarge my project to invite more students with similar ambitions to the project. My capstone project at YYGS was about global health and well-being, and it helped me further understand the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the meaning of launching my own project: to make the society a better place.