Vikramaditya Singh

ASE 2019

“My favourite lecture was ‘The Mysteries of Sand’ because it really appealed to my particular interest in civil and mechanical engineering. The topic of geometric cohesion furthered my interest in the field, especially due to the live example shown by Dr. O’Hern.”

I introduced the concept of student-led clubs in my school this year and founded the Finance Club. We now have sessions every Friday and I plan on beginning a Stock Market Simulator game for my club members. This new-found involvement invoked in me a feeling of confidence which I had never felt before. It has allowed me to transform myself into a much more approachable, amicable, social person, which serves as a stark contrast to my previous self. It allowed me to understand the importance of congenial learning and realise the much greater efficiency of peer learning than plain textbook learning.

Ambassador Year: