Vijjasena Sugiono

ASE 2019, ATC 2018

Currently, me and a friend I met at ATC 2018, Angelo from Hungary, worked on a project together. We aimed at developing a new type of photovoltaics technology, Agrivoltaics, which involves using the same land for both farming and photovoltaics system, with the plants cooling the PV array (increasing efficiency) and the array providing shade from too much sun. This idea can be implemented in Indonesia, where there is too much sunlight and the farmers live in poverty.

The idea is that the yield could be improved by PV arrays that prevent overheating and withering, while the PV arrays run efficiently and generate electricity or extra income for the farmers. Our plan was to implement this idea on a local (Indonesian) old folks’ home. While I will do the hands-on installation and purchasing, Angelo will help with the necessary coding as well as the funding (help fundraise for the panels). Launched in April, there has been progress made and communications have been set up with the Old Folks’ Home and has received approval from both my school and the Old Folks’ home, but the exams have temporarily halted the project. I am also looking for government-based certification for installing solar panels (this September) before completing the job. Our plan is that we complete the project sometime before the new year (2020).

Ambassador Year: