Tafitasoa Andrianasolo

SGC 2020

“YYGS has changed me in terms of perspectives. At the moment, it is easier for me to understand international news because of my contact with different young people like me around the world.”

Since leaving YYGS, I was aware that every small action can impact an entire community and more broadly the entire world in terms of the environment. In my country, 90% of the households still uses charcoal made by wood. This is very noxious for the environment, so I followed a formation about how to make charcoal without making too much impact on the environment by using trash instead. The product is very efficient and we wanted to spread it around us , so my mates and I decided to create an association which can ensure the production in our own region. The association is named Antsirabe, and it gives an example to the rest of the country. This project is still in progress because we still need some tools to produce in large scale, but our project is appreciated by people in our village who used samples.

Ambassador Year: