Sara Jones

Wales, UK
LPC 2021

Through meeting so many like-minded individuals from all around the world, I have been inspired and motivated to believe that I can make a difference. Having the opportunity to gain new perspectives that I would not have considered before has made me feel more empathetic about what others have to say when I might initially disagree. Having discussions with my ‘family group’ after lectures improved my confidence immensely, as it allowed me to see my ideas encouraged, seen as equally important as the rest of the group’s.

Welsh poet Mererid Hopwood described knowing another language as “opening a different window on the world” Having been brought up bilingually, I have had the benefit of the different lenses of two languages, two literatures, two cultures. My desire to open new windows on the world meant that studying four languages at A level was an easy choice.

However, research I have conducted on trends for students choosing to study languages in my country made me realise that many do not share my interest. Unfortunately, there has been a reduction of almost two-thirds in those studying language subjects between 2002 and 2019. Working within my own school and the adjacent primary school, I have over the last few months acted as an advocate for languages: producing videos, organizing World Languages Day, working with language department teachers, and more. I am very pleased that these do seem to have made a positive difference, with the cohort of language students at GCSE and A Level this year being larger than in previous years.

Ambassador Year: