Oumnia Boujadi

ASE 2019

“YYGS had a great impact on my life: It made me more responsible; I learned to take care of myself and to live with a budget.  I’m now more outgoing, I learned to take the first step, to work in a group and to do research.”

I believed from a very young age that education should be accessible to all for the simple reason that it’s vital for the survival of our world. For that same reason I came up with a project titled, “Eucation4U.” “Education4U” is a website my team and I are working to create in order to help Moroccan students with their schoolwork. It’s a collaboration with three of my teachers at the moment (and we’re working on expanding that.) Our job is to upload lessons and some coursework that is easy to access and free for everyone. All you have to do is create an account. We put together a total of 25 lessons. It’s a slow process because we’re still waiting to hire a technician who can do the coding for us, but we all believe in the success of our project! I was inspired by Khan Academy, which helped me a lot with my SAT preparation. Our project should be completed by the end of 2020.

Ambassador Year: