Starting next summer, Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) will expand from nine to twelve academic sessions, increasing seminar opportunities taught by undergraduate and graduate instructors,* all hosted at Yale University’s Old Campus. Students will experience life as a university student by attending lectures and seminars, relaxing on Yale’s four-acre historic green, and residing in the same rooms as college freshman, since Old Campus houses the majority of freshman dormitories at Yale College.
“YYGS participants will love living in Yale’s most historic quad where first-year students live and graduation takes place. It is the perfect space where our diverse group of scholars can participate in four separate academic sessions, come together as one large global community, and make small groups of lifelong friends.” –Elena Gosalvez-Blanco, Director of Yale Young Global Scholars
Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) is a two-week summer academic enrichment program for high school students. YYGS is one of the most global, accessible pre-college programs in the world. In 2019, the program served 2,000 students who represented over 125 countries, and distributed over $3.4 million in need-based financial aid equally to both domestic and international students.
“At YYGS, we’re all coming together from different parts of the world with no preconception of what culture we’re supposed to assimilate to, so immediately we create a new culture where people are free to be themselves, show their quirks, and celebrate their differences. It is that dynamic culture that I miss most, along with my global best friends, knowing that we will probably never have an experience like this again.” –Allie Ho, Canada, 2019 Alumna
The program’s expansion provides a range of academic sessions for students to choose from, specializing in cutting-edge topics within STEM, social science, and humanities disciplines. YYGS is also offering a new cross-disciplinary session: Solving Global Challenges. Students will work towards developing solutions to issues with a global impact, focusing heavily on the seventeen key challenges identified in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
“We look forward to many more summers exposing remarkable students from all over the world to each other and to new ideas, passions and knowledge through inspiring professors and mentors” -Elena Gosalvez-Blanco, Director of Yale Young Global Scholars
Apply early to receive a discount on the application fee. If the fee poses a financial burden, students can submit a fee waiver to reduce the application fee to $0 USD. For more information, visit the YYGS Application Deadlines page.
Early Action Deadline:
Nov 12, 2019 at 11:59PM ET
Regular Decision Deadline:
Jan 15, 2020 at 11:59PM ET