Nardos Getachew

SGC 2020

“My favorite seminar in SGC was, “ Building Happy Cities - Designing Beautiful, Sustainable, & Equitable Spaces in the 21st Century,” presented by instructor Cameron Kritikos. I was intrigued by this seminar for it focused on how we can make our environment sustainable using human centered urban design.”

After learning about sustainability at YYGS, I was determined to promote healthy practices and the concept of sustainability to my community here in Ethiopia. There is excessive use of plastic bags in my country. In addition, there is poor waste management throughout the country. The concept of classifying waste is foreign to everyone in Ethiopia, and all household rubbish is put into the same trash bag which has led to severe diseases as well as explosions at the landfill where all city wastes are dumped.

To create awareness within my neighborhood, I have organized an informational session targeting specific members of the community including young and adult members. Now, my neighborhood members classify household waste into organic and inorganic. Additionally, we have initiated a community compost where everyone can dump their organic waste to create organic fertilizer for their gardens.

Ambassador Year: