Maria Palacios

PLE II 2019

“Another thing that amazed me was all the incredible seminars I attended. I remember one that marked me; it was called “#meetoo”,  it was about all the injustice women are suffering nowadays, and how if we continue like this in the near future women will no longer be saved. In this seminar we discussed all the problems and viable solutions for solving this global issue. The form in which everyone got along with each other was incredible, we all shared our ideas and came to a general solution.”

Since my first day in high school, I worked hard to gain the opportunity to study a semester in Italy. Ever since I was a child, I wanted to break the barriers between countries, either by language or different types of ideologies that tend to tear us appart as humans. One of the things that surprises me, and saddens me the most is that there are still people in the 21st century who are influenced by stereotypes. Unfortunately, Mexico is one of the countries that has a large number of these. This, among many other reasons, is why I believe this great opportunity, being in another country with completely different traditions and ideas, is so valuable.

Ambassador Year: