“The essence of unity is diversity. YYGS embodied a diversity of students from all ethnicities, genders, nationalities, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. I am incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to collaborate with role model students, future leaders, and friends I have made from truly across the world.”
I had the fortunate opportunity to start a virtual internship as an IVLP Content Creator under the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). The ECA’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) brings current and emerging leaders from around the world to the United States for intensive three-week exchanges. Each year, approximately 5,000 participants on over 600 projects focus on thematic topics, including U.S. foreign policy, renewable energy, conflict resolution, investigative journalism, volunteerism, the rule of law, and more.
As one of the 15 IVLP Content Creators from around the world, I work with the Office of International Visitors (OIV) on IVLP’s special 80th-anniversary initiative. IVLP will be marking its 80th-anniversary in December 2020, where we are looking forward to a yearlong celebration highlighting the accomplishments and lasting legacy of the IVLP alumni.
Similar to the Time 100 list, I work with OIV to identify a diverse group of 80 notable IVLP alumni who have had a multiplier effect in their home country based on their IVLP participation, and who participated in an IVLP program that began before December 31, 2017. Nominees for this initiative range from journalists to current heads of state, such as Margret Thatcher, Jacinda Ardern, and F.W. de Klerk, among many more. I used this information to help create an interactive website highlighting our #facesofexchange alumni intiative.
Through connecting with the selected alumni nominees, I determine the best way to highlight the impact IVLP had on their life. The final 80 alumni will be featured on an interactive webpage that will serve as the primary platform for these highlights, including an interactive U.S. map with the 80 alumni stories. The information on the interactive webpage will become the basis for articles, op-eds, awareness-building campaigns, and more. Currently, I have already profiled 15 notable alumni, including Korvi Rakshand, Tony Blair, Rachel Karam, and Dalia Grybauskaite.