When going into YYGS, I was sure of one thing: I wanted to steer clear of coding. This wasn’t just in regard to the program, I generally had no interest in programming and almost resented how widespread it had become in the scientific community. When I saw that I was signed up for a coding seminar, I was a bit displeased but realized that this seminar was probably the best way for me to truly determine my stance on coding.
In the seminar, things didn’t really start to click until John started talking about the Fibonacci sequence. I distinctly remember him mentioning how flower petals arrange themselves in a simple calculated manner that I have never thought of before. It had occurred to me that nature was deliberately coded, which I found unexplainably beautiful. Although I still might not be a master at coding, after that seminar I finally found its appeal and have since been trying to find more traces of coding in nature and my daily life.