Kristyn Zhang

PLE II 2019

“From ever-enlarging volleyball circles in the courtyard to hanging out in the basement with a tight-knit group of friends to tear-inducing laughter with capstone teammates, this YYGS experience made the vast world suddenly seem smaller and less intimidating.”

I had already taught debate classes independently to elementary and middle school students for the past three years. After YYGS, I felt more comfortable to extend my vision and expand classes from not only debate but also to other fields for greater outreach. I created a nonprofit organization called Chalkboard this August that brings introductory classes to elementary/middle schoolers to help expand their interests and develop a curiosity for learning. These classes are taught by high school students eager to contribute their knowledge and expertise to the youth in the community in a casual setting. I currently have three other peers on board and three departments/classes total within the organization (debate, tennis, and public speaking), and we’re excited to see Chalkboard grow!

Ambassador Year: