Dylan Baniassad

IST 2021

During simulation, I was paired with others who similarly advocated to combat drug abuse and who sought to expose COVID-19’s correlation to opioid addiction. Throughout our group’s time together, we created a non-profit (https://beyondtheneedles.org) with the intent to publicize support and awareness for drug addiction recovery. To this day, we have accumulated over 3,700 followers on our Instagram page, and we continue to exchange ideas amongst each other on how to scale our organization further.

Coming to YYGS with experience in computer science, the seminar titled “Physiognomy and the Ethical Concerns of Facial Recognition Software” stimulated an idea which I believe corresponds with my passion for a digital future; a way to process payments through facial recognition technology. I have incorporated Google’s Cloud Vision API to facilitate my project’s ability to develop a sense of the human face for my design. I plan to construct a mobile application interface for users to manage their accounts while handling all data and requests directly from my API.

Ambassador Year: