Ashhad Siddiqui

FST 2018

“Given the opportunity to choose from hundreds of different seminars, I was able to explore my specific interests in STEM (and even explore some that I never even knew existed). Even my Capstone research project– where we explored the use of 3D printed live cells as a replacement for the skin graft– really shaped my academic interests and left me with a greater understanding of the scientific and academic climate.”

Following YYGS, I made it my goal to explore how real, concrete solutions can be found to the problems that we will face this decade– and learned that most of these solutions, even in places one might not expect, rely on new, innovative technologies and an understanding of cutting-edge scientific principles.

At the John Hopkins Model United Nations Conference in 2019, I represented the delegation of Vietnam in the Disarmament and International Security Committee. We were tasked with finding solutions to establish a nuclear-weapons free zone in the Middle East. What I found most interesting was the heavy role of science and technology in our solutions– based on principles of block chain and information technology, our resolution paper suggested the creation of a shared database between a coalition of countries to monitor nuclear activity. 

Ambassador Year: