YYGS has given me the opportunity and resources to discover new passions. For example, in my “Glamorizing Suffering” seminar, I learned about the exploitation of minorities’ suffering in the media. This seminar, much like every other lecture and seminar I attended at YYGS, has opened my eyes to issues I was unaware of. It pushed me to think critically about the media I was consuming and how it could affect my perception of the world. Through YYGS seminars and lectures, I learned that my actions have impacts that extend far beyond my personal narrative.
For about six years, I have been training and debating competitively. Public speaking has forever been a passion of mine. It helps me feel empowered and gives me the space for my voice and opinions to be heard. For the past four years, I have been debating in a variety of regional and national competitions. In 2020, I was accepted into my country’s national debating team. Becoming a member of the Moroccan national team allowed me to represent my country and inspire young Moroccan girls to pursue their passions in public speaking.