Level-Headed, Clear Mind

It is very tricky to be expected to present yourself on just a sheet of paper and in less than 2000 words.
“If you could add any one sport, skill, or activity to the Olympics—and then compete in it—what would you choose? Do you think it would be popular with other people?” Daunting as the question was, this is just a hint of how the essays in the YYGs application were structured.
I always found myself in the conflict of whether I should write about what the admissions officers would want to know or whether I should just get straight into it without acknowledging the reader. I think the two are inseparable when crafting an application for such a prestigious programme.
“Level-headed, clear mind,” a chant that became very helpful each time I sat down thinking of which stories to tell and which to show. I also had to settle down and surf through all my experiences at YYGS to note that the application is the most important part. Out of 10000+ applicants, 2000 or so are selected, and 8000+ amazing applicants all over the globe are turned down. So how can one stand out from such a large pool? How do they even select? These are the endless questions I always asked myself and, surprisingly, found no answer to.
Breathe, relax, and believe. This application is one that looks for diversity, uniqueness—weird or quirky. I believe it is a platform for you to tell your life in your own words. You get to choose which stories to tell. After all, being yourself is the best way to tackle the application.
I had to dig, dip, and note down key aspects of my life that represent me the most. The process helped me unravel the complexities of my life. I got to know which awards or activities mattered to me the most.
Read, rewrite, and proofread! Acknowledging that you are yourself because of the people around you. The people around you also have their own sense of who you are. Ask them, What makes me unique? It is also fine to not go through with some advice because you are also the one in control of defining your life.
Regardless of all the turmoil and triumph of crafting a ‘perfect’ application, there is that hope of finally getting the exciting news you would have been waiting for for almost a month. For me, the acceptance carried with it a lot of prospects for new adventures. I recall the faithful day: December 19, 2023, opening the application status portal and observing the congratulatory news and confetti. I was literally over the moon. Moreover, the acceptance to YYGS had full financial aid from travel, food, and housing expenses.
Overall, I had a great experience with the application process for YYGS, and I got to be more self-aware.
Happy applying, prospective YYGS!
Alexander, YYGS 2024, Zimbabwe